Summer at FBC

Second Sundays

Join us for lunch after the service, on second Sundays: 6/9

Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast will resume in the Fall.  7:30am on first/third Saturdays

El Camino

6:30-7pm cena de tacos, 7-8pm alabanza y estudio bíblico

Women's Bible Study

We offer a spring and fall session every year.  Click to Learn more at our WBS page.

Kidz Thrive!

TK through 5th graders start meeting in August 14,  Wednesday nights 6:30-8pm.  Check out the children's page for info

Youth Group

Connect to the Student page and church app to stay updated. Contact David Martin for more info:

Revelation Class

Interested in learning more about the book of Revelation?  Check out our Sunday morning class 9am in the Fireside room. Resuming  August 4th

Young Adults

Check out our Instagram FBCW.YA  for the flavor of the week.

Game Day

Join the fun as we meet for board games and refreshments Saturday 7/27 in the Student Center at 1:45pm

Coming Soon...

STEPS:  stay tuned for spontaneous walking events for women throughout the year