Women's Ministries

FBC Women's Ministries encompasses a variety of groups and events, connecting women of all generations from Boomers to Gen X-Y-Z.  Our main group is Women's Bible Study (WBS) which offers a morning and evening group.  Women at FBC are active in hosting events, small groups (English and Spanish), Studio 4:13 Art Events, and outreach to the Pajaro Valley Women's Shelter.  We are a diverse group who enjoys connecting over coffee, dessert, strolls on the beach and hikes in the redwood forests.  Fill out the form at the bottom to connect with us!
Connecting at breakfast
Studio 4:13 Paint Night
Blankets for PV shelter
Mt Hermon Retreat

Interested in Women's Ministries?

We'd love to hear from you.  Fill out the form below to get started.