Hume Daily Updates and Pictures

After Camp
Such a great week!  I have been so encouraged by what God is doing!  I hope you are excited to see what God is going to continue to do as I am.

Most of our photos have been uploaded to Flickr.

You can view Hume's photos, pictures and sermon audio online.  Note: we are week two.

We have several people interested in getting baptized!  If you are interested in getting baptized, contact Pastor Stephen.

Our last full day at camp.  We started the day with church time, were both the JH and HS students came together.  We share altogether some things that we have learned, and have been challenged with.  I had some time to teach.  I focused being intentional and not passive in our faith.  We feel close and connected to God at came because we are in the word, having times of worship and fellowship.  We have to be intentional and active in our faith and engage in the word, fellowship, worship, service, and evangelism.  This is done both as individuals and in the body of Christ.  We need God's church and community.  They were challenged to take steps to live out an active faith coming down the mountain.  We closed with a time of communion and reflection.

In the evening, our students were taught that our God speaks.  He speaks to us primarily through His word.  If we want to have a thriving relationship with God we must be reading, studying, and wrestling with God's word every day.  We need to have accountability and community in the Church as we study the Bible and live it out as a community.

I will be uploading all the photos from this week to our Flickr account this next week.  I will let campers and parents know when that is all done and we will be able to access the audio from all the lessons from the camps too.

Today we focused on the sovereignty of God.  The wonderful thing is our holy God, who is just, and loving has authority over all things and works all things, even the sin that we do, to work it toward His plan of redemption.  Nothing is a surprise to Him.  All of History moving forward as He planned and purposed.

In our cabins and during one-on-one time, where leaders spend quality time and conversations with each student that came to camp, there have been amazing conversations, questions, and wrest lying with how to live out the things we are learning.

JH had a dye wars for rec and it was fun to see everyone turned red or green.  They had a blast!
HS has super spirit day where they dress up in their denim and cowboy gear and play relays on a giant tarp watered and soaped like a giant slip and slid.

A special thank you to Emily Dyck the photos in today's upload are from her.
What a great day!  JH was challenged to go out and live the great commission and to make disciples of all nations.  That starts with the kid next door, at school, on your team, in your club, or wherever you have your friends.  HS had seminars were they got to pick a couple topics like leading worship, sexual integrity, anxiety, and more.

During rec the HS had fun playing Kajabee-Can-Can.  Ours team did really well and got to participate in the night finals were the top 4 teams get to compete agains each other.  Grace, Thereasa, and Kindel  participated with Kindel making it to the top 5.
Tuesday #2
What a great night!  After hearing of the holiness of God who is sinless and pure, and the justice of God who will not let the guilty go unpunished, we learned of the love and mercy of God.  In the Exodus story, we covered the Passover and how God sent the angel of death to kill every firstborn son, and how God provided a way for His people to be saved by the people killing a spotless lamb and spreading the blood over the door as a covering for their sin and the punishment of God would pass over them and not strike them.  This is a picture of what Jesus Christ has done for us.  Jesus is the spotless lamb that died for us and his blood covers our sin.  We have to place our faith in Jesus Christ to be saved and make Him the Lord of our lives.

In response to this message, 4 of our students came to faith in Christ Tuesday night!  We are so excited for what God is doing in the lives of our students.  Please pray for them.  We know God's work has just begun in these 4 students and will continue to work in them.  Pray for the leaders and fellow students as we build into them.

Tuesday #1
This morning we were challenged to be ambassadors for Christ.  This means that we are to actively body proclaim the gospel.  The most loving thing we can do as Christians plead for others to place their faith and trust in Christ.  It is the most loving thing because if they do not place their faith in Christ, then they will be condemned to hell for the sin they committed against a holy God who is just.

We also had Kajabee for High School and most of our church when out on the lake for a boat day!

Monday #2
We had a great evening chapel.  campers were confronted with seriousness of their sin and the fact that God is just and will not let sin go unpunished because His holiness demands it.  High School was also challenged, as a part of taking their sin seriously, to confess their sin to God and ask for forgiveness.  We know God forgives our sin, but true repentance is acknowledging our sin for what it is and turning from it.  We had some great cabin times where students did that and shared with one another.

Monday #1
Our first full day is in full swing!
So many things going on! Morning chapel, rec, free time, getting in the lake, having intentional relationship building times, music, and just time to relax with friends.

Enjoy some photos from earlier today.

We all made it camp easily and safely.  God worked it out perfectly that Andrew and Lauren, who were driving up from down south, just happened to pull in right behind us as we got on to 180.

Tonight the campers were able to enjoy the live production, called the opener,  with singing, dancing, drama, and pyrotechnics as they set the stage for the story and spirtual theme for the week.  We are learning about the attributes of God through the eyes of Moses.  The attirbute they focused on today was the Holiness of God.  How He is set apart and there is nothing or no one like Him who is eternal, all powerful, everywhere, and knows all.

It is very late as I write this and it has been a whirlwind of a day.  Monday I will get some pictures up.

Pastor Stephen