Join in our community outreach October 31st from 6pm-8:00pm.

We will be providing a venue to hand out candy to the children of our neighborhood and greater Community.  

This year we are assembling 14 cars for Trunk or Treat, and we hope to have representatives from our community Police and Fire departments join us as we to connect with our neighbors  

We re currently in need of a few more volunteer in the following areas 

    A strong person for Coco Delivery and garbage
Some one to assemble necklaces for  necklace Prep.  - starts at 4pm and continues through event until we run out 
 Someone to prepare the food we purchase for the volunteers - Starts at 4pm completed by 5:30
 Greeters  -  There to meet people and help  at entrance and exit

Trunk or Treat Specifics
Decorate your car and family for fun!
We have lots of candy to give out
Be friendly and smile and have fun
 all cars should arrive  between 5-5:30 PM   or earlier if you need to set up

We hope to serve Hot Chocolate and popcorn as well!  

 Please sign up below to let us know if You can bring your car to participate in Trunk or treat this year.  

Or perhaps you’d like to Pray for others in our prayer booth or serve hot chocolate or popcorn.

Please fill out the form below and let us know if you can serve!